How to edit an In Stock product list

In Stock product list is the part of the details view of a Closet item. It can be added, updated or deleted. It requires your product link address and product image (or product image link address). Your product link address determines where this style will be displayed if published.

To locate Closet, open main menu and then choose Closet.

Step 1

In your Closet, choose one to open the details view. The image below shows an In Stock product list of the details view.

In stock product list

Step 2

Choose the edit and add icon to add, update or delete any of items there.

To add, choose the edit and add icon, fill in the product link address and product image link address (or image), and then choose Add grey button. The following image shows an In Stock product list is open for adding.

Add one to the in stock product list

To update, choose an image, replace with the new product link address and product image link address (or image), and then choose Update grey button. The following image shows an In Stock product list is open for updating or deleting.

update and delete one from the in stock product list

To delete, choose Delete grey button.

Step 3

Choose Save black button or Cancel button on the top to close the view.