Dresseye includes Dresseye.com and Dresseye app in Apple app store and Google Play store. The content is shared across these platforms.
  Dresseye in App Store  Dresseye in Google Play

Dresseye has rich and simple tools needed for your daily fashion life: Style Board, Wish List, Closet and Model, as well as the style collection from our community and the search tool.

main modules - Style List, Product Search, Style Board, Wish List, Closet and Model

Add or create a style

Photos, videos, memes and AI items can be added into Closet or Wish List. Adding or creating a style is fun and simple, either in Dresseye.com, or in Dresseye app.

Style Board, Closet, Wish List and Model can be reached by main navigation menu. The Closet and Style Board shortcuts are located on the top right of the style list panel on the home page. Choose Add button to open Closet. Choose Create Button to open Style Board.

Locate Style Board, Wish List, Closet or Model
If you wish to publish your styles and looks, please visit Reviews policy. A review will take place in 24 hours after publishing.
As soon as it is published, the style item will be shared in the home view and profile view of apps and dresseye.com. Here are some examples in real-life.
If a style item has In Stock Product List and published, it will be shared also in the Styles & Ideas view.